martes, 6 de enero de 2009

Since You've Been Gone

I'm home!! Just for a few more days though until I return to the no-man's land of Bollullos. Just kidding. Well, not really. In comparison to even the smallest of U.S. cities, it does seem quite removed, but since I've been gone, I've come to appreciate the peripecias of both places. Like lunch that goes on for three hours, siesta, random party nights that never seem to end. On the other hand, knowing that all of my true blue comrades are on the other side of the Atlantic makes it that much more difficult to say goodbye again knowing I'll be missing out on the small stuff for another five months. Alas. But back to the joys of being home, I've been treated to indoor heating, sans the constant worry of turning on the califaccion, and I've not had to buy groceries. Amazing. I got to be here for Christmas, a special someone's second 30th birthday, New Year's in New York, and lots of reunions with friends who might've otherwise been further away had it not been the holiday season. Just for the record, I love all of you, and thanks for keeping me crazy. I would say sane, but we know that's not the case!

Since I've been gone, I think I've changed a bit, not sure exactly how. As one friend said, the core of us doesn't change, but our interests, and perhaps ways of doing things do get modified. I'm okay with that, as long as I come out a better person in the end.

Anyhow, jsut wanted to let my fans (all two of you, perhaps) know that I do remember that I have a blog and an obligation to keep it updated. I'll be back with more on my travels soon enough. Hasta luego.

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