domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2008

Viajando. Un mensaje de Cordoba

Traveling is, as i expected, one of the most fun and exciting parts of being abroad.

Right now, I´m in Cordoba taking in the famous and lesser reknowned sights and taking lots of pictures with my old school Pentax. So far, I´ve checked off stuff on my list from the Mezquita and Alcazar to the Roman ruins, Puente Romano, Plaza de Tendillas and de Potros, and finding little callejas, the Ciudad Jardin area, tapas, and the Plaza de Correderos.

One of my favorite parts was seeing the Alcazar earlier. It´s a huge building, not quite as big as the Mezquita, but sectioned off into different rooms. The view of the Guadalquivir River from the towers was amazing. Then in the gardens in the back, there´s a sculpture of Christopher Colombus asking Isabel and Ferdinand for funding to his voyage to the Americas. I don´t know if that was before or after they rejected to fund it and he´d started to go to France to ask for help. But in the end, obviously they helped him out.

Anyhow, the sculture is pretty cool, but I really also liked the bushes around it, they were huuuuge, not wide, but just very tall and have been there for soooo long. I tried to get a picture of the King and Queen with Colon, so I hope it came out well. I´m not working with a digital over here, so I really won´t know until I get it developed, which I might try to do in Bollullos, although I´m notorious for not ever developing my pictures...

Manana, regresamos a Bollullos Parrrr del Condado. Yo he gustaba mucho a Cordoba, la historia de este sitio, la comida, y la gente (quien, yo creo, miran en mi cara un poquito menos que los viejos de Bollullos). Doy verguenza que a mi, me gusta mucho el vino tinto, los calamares, y el pan. No quiero ganar mucho pesos, pero parece que no puedo evitar el pan. Pero bueno, estoy comiendo. Nuestro camarero nos dijo donde salian la gente joven por la noche. Pues despues es posible que vayamos a salir... quizas. Bueno. No he escrito mucho en espanol, y probablemente eso es muy mal, pero no importa. Me voy a tomar una siesta, porque si vamos a salir, necesito prepararme.

1 comentario:

far in language in her sit e dijo...

the blog is coming along quite nicely!! looks like you're beginning to forget english!!! I've been waiting for you to call again but maybe your busy.. I want to know te best time to visit. Great job on the blog, we made you a feature on our site take a look. Talk soon.