domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009


Reconnecting... kind of a charged word when I think about it, but lately its meant recharging, starting fresh, emotionally, spiritually. Preparing myself for the long haul, whatever awaits me, whatever it is I decide to make of whatever it is that I have in front of me. Kind of a vague way of saying I'm trying to get it together. Which, granted, is possibly vaguer than the latter. But alas. It's also been a literal instruction for me to keep up with loved ones while overseas, and to make sure I stay focused on my original goals while I'm here. For all of its, umm, wonder, Spain is lacking something. I guess that could obviously be said about many parts of the world, and maybe even the place I end up getting to. Maybe I haven't given it a chance to give me what I need because I have a very short term sense of my time here. I'm not really sure. I try to aprovechar of the cultural variety that abounds, the festivities that are becoming more frequent now that good weather has arrived, and opportunities to travel, but lately something is different, perhaps inside of me. Yet another reason for the recharge/reconnecting.

Along the lines of reconnecting, I have to make a quick plug for Skype. A virtual God send in the sense that no one I know has actually tried to call me yet on the phone I own here using a calling card or some other source. Without Skype, I might be stuck with just email. On the bright side, I'd also probably send a lot more letters (I have yet to write one with the stationary I brought from home). Yet, for all of its exito, Skype still has some issues to work out. Like calling cell phones halfway across the world and two oceans. I mean, I don't see what the big deal is! It's just Spain to Hawaii. Vale. Maybe I'm asking for too much. Still, despite the morse code signals I felt like I was exchanging over a walkie talkie tonight, it was good to reconnect. Love you k-beastie, the new video bar I'm putting up is for you, well and me too, you know it's one of my all time favorites, and I heard it because of you:)

Here's to remixed songs, reconnecting with all that is necessary, having revelations about the old stuff, and making new memories:
"Somewhere over the Rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole.

2 comentarios:

antonio dijo...


Nia dijo...

de acuerdo, aunque me cuesto mas! es que no se exactamente como expresar ese sentimiento de ¨reconnecting¨ - podria ser reconectar o enlazar? lo has leido todo en ingles?