miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2009

Ripley's Believe It Or Not

Believe it or not, time is winding down for my tour de Espana. Just as the ignorance was beginning to mount. Amidst it, I plan to make a real attempt to see the things I haven't yet in an effort to have some additional travel tales for my future. Having spent a lot of time with little kids and their moms, I may have finally learned to treasure my singledom, if only due to their very real yet subtle hints that life changes, so appreciate it at every spectrum. I don't have a whole lot of compromising to do on a daily basis, besides a little with my roommates, so for the most part, I'm a one woman show, which also has its perks and pitfalls.

As far as the picture go, I am trying!! Literally, right now, to post one at a time in an older blog post. One down, like twenty to go.

I finally made it to Punta Umbria, a beach town in Huelva, but I was cameraless, so I'll have to go back fully loaded and with double A batteries in town to better document the experience.

I've been watching Spanish TV a little more. The nightlife has died down a bit, so my efforts to surround myself with Spanish audio have resulted in me sitting in front of the TV before bedtime wondering why there are so many American movies showing in Spain. I guess the fact that we ltierally have a movie-making city in the U.S. is kind of a novelty.

Anyhow, nothing super exciting. I could talk about the stare downs and the damndest things that little kids say, but I've said it all before! I will say, however, that one of my alumnas, who had been really sick - ok, that's an understatement, she had an ailment that required a low dose of chemo therapy - is doing much better, she's gotten a clean bill of health, and I've been able to watch this 6 year old be extremely strong. Considering she's going to school completely calvo some days, others with a paneulo, and occasionally dealing with the -ish that younguns say when they can't make sense of something, I have yet to see a tear roll down her face. When I found out, originally, how sick she'd been, I figured if she came through she might be a little bit different, but the truth is she was strong all along. You have to figure that if she came this far, there's obviously something she's here to live for, and it for damn sure is not the taunting. So, I might not have suspected it from the start, but she might end up teaching me a bit about manning up to the ignorance I have to deal with as well. Get 'em Tati.

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